Alain Mazère - Maurice LELOIR - Louis XIV, The Sun King
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Alain Mazère - Maurice LELOIR - Louis XIV, The Sun King

EAN : 9782354982065 - 80 p. - 185x240 mm, cousu, couverture souple, impression en couleurs. ( Ed-05-5)

14,22 €

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The Sun King, Louis-le-Grand... These qualifiers celebrate the imprint left by Louis XIV on his era baptized the Great Century.
His reign was glorious both in the arts and sciences and in wars and administration, thanks to talented collaborators who placed their industry in the service of a monarch particularly good at majestic representation.
The brilliance of Versailles symbolizes, despite some dark moments, the Great King’s universal prestige: we speak of the Century of Louis XIV as we quote the Age of Pericles. 
A period so remarkable in events of all kinds could only inspire the magnificent illustrations of Maurice Leloir that adorn this book.
By keeping the rich watercolors of Maurice Leloir as support, we wanted to propose to the reader, especially foreign, a short popularization of the life of Louis XIV.

35 Livres
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